Newtonlab Space & SX3 - Manga Fair 2022


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Project name

Newtonlab Space & SX3 - Manga Fair 2022




December 5, 6, 7 and 8, 2022

Project description

The CCMA (Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals) counted on Newtonlab Space and its Meet & Greet Holográfico to present the new children's channel SX3 at the XXVIII Salón del Manga de Barcelona.

Those attending the event could take a video with the hologram of some of the new characters of the channel, as well as some classic anime characters such as Detective Conan.  

All the characters were filmed in the facilities of Newtonlab Space in Barcelona, under the supervision of the TV channel. For the anime characters it was decided to use professional cosplayers.


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